Jin Shin Jyutsu

JIN SHIN JYUTSU® physio-philosophy, translated as “art of the Creator through the person of compassion” is an ancient art of bringing balance to the body by harmonizing the flow of energy through the pathways. It is a gentle, yet powerful art that facilitates our natural healing capacity and is a valuable component to conventional healing methods.  The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu was born of innate wisdom and passed down through the generations.  It was revived in the early 1900’s by Master Jiro Murai in Japan and brought to the United States by his student Mary Burmeister, in the 1950’s.

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu uses 26 designated points or “safety energy locks” along the pathways that feed life into our bodies. Using the hands as “jumper cables,” these points are held in combination (sequences or “flows”) to release areas of stagnation, restoring equilibrium throughout the mind-body. It is deeply relaxing and helps the body to clean, re-energize, and rebuild it’s tissues and functions. Jin Shin Jyutsu brings emotional calm, relieves pain and alleviates chronic or acute conditions. It can be applied to oneself, as “self help,” and is a safe adjunct to other therapies for any age, condition or state of health. Jin Shin Jyutsu teaches one to “Know Myself” and through this awareness and empowerment, manifest health, well being and happiness. Sessions are usually done lying down but Jin Shin Jyutsu can also be applied seated, or in any other comfortable position.

I was having breathing difficulties after a sprain and the doctors offered nothing except pain medicine. I was skeptical but my wife convinced me to visit Marie for Jin Shin Jyutsu. Afterwards I was astounded that all of my symptoms disappeared. I can’t recommend her highly enough .. More testimonials .. Chris Welch


“Bring things in order before they exist.” – Lao Tse

“We need never know FATIGUE. Energy can never tire. It is our personal imbalance that causes fatigue… Happiness is indicator of our HARMONY.” – Mary Burmeister

Jin Shin Jyutsu Marie Saito


Jin Shin Jyutsu® are 60 min sessions

Single session: $120
6 sessions: $600

Please see “Specials” on the Schedule & Rates page

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